Monday, March 22, 2010 Week

I'm currently with the Unity Crew in Bad Gastein for the Downdays trip where the tourist board have agreed with to basically accommodate us in any way possible to hit as many urban features as we like. Its pretty rare to be able to go to a ski resort and not have to worry about hassle from the police when you're sliding rails and the like so its looking like it should be a sick week.
Qparks are also building us a private feature or two in the park that we can go and hit as and when we like! has hooked us up big time, massive thanks to them.
I'll post up some pictures as soon as I get some in the next couple of days.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Electric Powder

I received my Electric EG2 goggles a couple of days ago just in time for the new snow to arrive. They are so sick, with a massive lens meaning you can barely see the frame at all when you wear them. For the same reason, seeing when riding switch is so easy. 

Joe Tyler, Jamie and Andy Matthew, Chris McGuire, Rob Embling and I went up to Zell am Ziller for the powder that finally arrived a few days ago.
We had the most amazing day. Having never ridden at Zell before I can't believe what I've been missing out on all this time. Its much steeper over there so some of the lines through the trees provided some medium sized drops.

As you can see from one of the photos, Andy managed to find himself in a hole at one point during the day.  He was just skiing across some flat terrain when he sank  about 7 feet down. There was a moment when we weren't too sure if he was going to stop sinking. I was worried but I got over that and got my camera out instead.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Super stoked to sign with Electric goggles.

Check out their site here: and also have a look at their Facepaint page and become a fan!

Can't wait to get my EG2 goggles, will post up some pics a soon as they arrive.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just got the word that it was near on impossible to read the blue on black so I hope this works better.

Also I've just heard from Electric that they are interested in sponsoring me for next season with their goggles so that should be sick. I'll keep you posted

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

So I can't make the video bar change from those random videos at the top of the page so in a bit I'll upload the 1st Wolf Pack edit from Joe's computer.

I guess my first post should have been introducing myself really:

I'm a skier currently living in Mayrhofen with Joe Murrell and Joe Tommlinson. I ride for Storm Skis, Faiise clothing, YOKI and 20 Days. I've also just been taken on by Dalbello and Bawbags which I'm super stoked on.

To see what the season has brought so far and read the latest blog before I started this one sign up to Facepaint or look here

Hope this all works out.

Peas and Carrots x
So instead of just throwing all my stuff to the Storm Skis office and taking up all their time asking them to put it on facebook and edit out any crap I thought I'd risk it myself and leave you guys to read whatever I decide to write about.
I've tried to add a video bar at the top of this page to show our Wolf Pack Edits among other things as and when they are released. If it doesn't work I'll try again later.

For now this is my first posting over. Its been exciting i think you'll agree. I might have another one up by the end of the day if you're lucky.
